!defined('DEBUG') AND exit('Access Denied.');
// hook index_inc_start.php
$sid = sess_start();
// 语言 / Language
$_SERVER['lang'] = $lang = include _include(APP_PATH."lang/$conf[lang]/bbs.php");
// 用户组 / Group
$grouplist = group_list_cache();
// 支持 Token 接口(token 与 session 双重登陆机制,方便 REST 接口设计,也方便 $_SESSION 使用)
// Support Token interface (token and session dual match, to facilitate the design of the REST interface, but also to facilitate the use of $_SESSION)
$uid = intval(_SESSION('uid'));
empty($uid) AND $uid = user_token_get() AND $_SESSION['uid'] = $uid;
$user = user_read($uid);
$gid = empty($user) ? 0 : intval($user['gid']); // 或者当前用户所在组id
$group = isset($grouplist[$gid]) ? $grouplist[$gid] : $grouplist[0]; // 获取当前用户所在组
// 版块 / Forum
$fid = 0;
$forumlist = forum_list_cache();
$forumlist_show = forum_list_access_filter($forumlist, $gid); // 有权限查看的板块 / filter no permission forum
$forumarr = arrlist_key_values($forumlist_show, 'fid', 'name');
// 头部 header.inc.htm
$header = array(
'keywords'=>'', // 搜索引擎自行分析 keywords, 自己指定没用 / Search engine automatic analysis of key words, so keep it empty.
// 运行时数据,存放于 cache_set() / runtime data
$runtime = runtime_init();
// 检测站点运行级别 / restricted access
// 全站的设置数据,站点名称,描述,关键词
// $setting = kv_get('setting');
$route = param(0, 'index');
// hook index_inc_route_before.php
if(!defined('SKIP_ROUTE')) {
// 按照使用的频次排序,增加命中率,提高效率
// According to the frequency of the use of sorting, increase the hit rate, improve efficiency
switch ($route) {
// hook index_route_case_start.php
case 'index': include _include(APP_PATH.'route/index.php'); break;
case 'thread': include _include(APP_PATH.'route/thread.php'); break;
case 'forum': include _include(APP_PATH.'route/forum.php'); break;
case 'user': include _include(APP_PATH.'route/user.php'); break;
case 'my': include _include(APP_PATH.'route/my.php'); break;
case 'attach': include _include(APP_PATH.'route/attach.php'); break;
case 'post': include _include(APP_PATH.'route/post.php'); break;
case 'mod': include _include(APP_PATH.'route/mod.php'); break;
case 'browser': include _include(APP_PATH.'route/browser.php'); break;
// hook index_route_case_end.php
// hook index_route_case_default.php
include _include(APP_PATH.'route/index.php'); break;
!is_word($route) AND http_404();
$routefile = _include(APP_PATH."route/$route.php");
!is_file($routefile) AND http_404();
include $routefile;
// hook index_inc_end.php